Solving the "logical and" zero issue in JSX

Nov 07 2023

Solving the "logical and" zero issue in JSX


Logical AND of possibly zero value (renders 0)

"use client"

import { useState } from "react"

export default function ProductsInStock() {
  const [productsInStock, setProductsInStock] = useState([])

  return <div>{productsInStock.length && "Products in stock"}</div>


Conditional (force boolean with double negation)

<div>{!!productsInStock.length && "Products in stock"}</div>

Conditional (specify length)

<div>{productsInStock.length > 0 && "Products in stock"}</div>

Ternary operator (use null)

<div>{productsInStock.length ? "Products in stock" : null}</div>